2DCG, Adventure, Anal Sex, Animated, Big Ass, Big Tits, Cheating, Cosplay, Creampie, Fantasy, Groping, Handjob, Male Protagonist, Management, MILF, Mobile Game, Oral Sex, Parody, Point & Click, Prostitution, Romance, Sandbox, Sex Toys, Strategy, Teasing, Titfuck, Vaginal Sex, Voyeurism
Ch. 3 Day 25 v1.1
Bug fix:
– With the help of the players, we found a few minor bugs (Gloria’s conversation bug, Debra’s workroom bug), these will be fixed in the 1.1 Patch version.
Add scenes:
– The Cili scene becomes available to everyone.
-On the 25th day, another sex scene with Debra after getting up in the morning
How does Patch work?
After downloading and installing the game file, the game will work as if it received a normal upload. Save files will also work and Patch will see them.
Do I have to replay day 25?
Yes, because the new scenes are added to the gameplay as an add-on.
If you have an update submit a report for uploaders to update the thread and to avoid the link from being taking down
*(The Secret of the House) You wake up on day 7, enter the passwordfp2gqvac