The story follows the renamable main character Harth as the world he knows gives way to change that causes him to discover a deeper purpose. Harth lives a simple life with his friends in a remote frontier village at the edge of the known world. Events eventually lead him to Pyre, the enormous capital city where he encounters unusual new characters and situations. How will Harth and his friends react to the strange new world they find themselves in?
Release Date: | 16 July, 2024 |
Developer: | Escape Sauce |
Censored: | No |
Version: | 0.17a |
OS: | Windows, Linux, Mac, Android |
Language: | 🇬🇧 English |
Size: | 454MB |
Win/Linux: Mega Mixdrop Gofile Pixeldrain
Mac: Mega Mixdrop Gofile Pixeldrain
Android: Mega Mixdrop Gofile Pixeldrain